Monthly Archives: March 2014

10 Simple Weight Loss Tips

How to Lose Weight

Most of us now spend eight hours a day sitting pure garcinia cambogia at our desks at work, and two to three hours sitting at home. That kind of sedentary lifestyle is nearly impossible to counteract, Dr. Holly Lofton of New York says, even if you hit the gym for two hours a day (and who does that?). She suggests wearing a step counter that will keep you aware of the movement — or lack of movement — you’re making throughout the day. Try standing up at your desk while on a conference call, or walking to a colleague’s desk instead of e-mailing him.
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Lunch-Packing Weight-Loss Tips

calories used up, it’s important to count calories to make sure you’re not exceeding your daily limit. Have a specific number in mind for each meal and snack so you don’t mindlessly pack lunch remember that even healthy foods can be high in calories. Depending on your daily calorie intake, this midday meal should be between 300 and 600 calories. Use a website such as Calorie King to help you add up your food, Calorie Count for recipes, or a trusted calorie-counting app to help you keep track of the rest of your meals and snacks.
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It may not seem like much, but at 70 calories , those little nibbles will add up. Then weigh yourself once or twice a week to keep track of your progress. Measure and repeat: Have measuring cups, spoons, and food scales on hand to measure correct portions. Eyeballing a cup of cereal is not exactly accurate, and you’d be surprised how easy it is to overestimate when you’re hungry. In the first few months, you’ll need to measure everything from the milk you pour into that bowl of cereal to the dressing you drizzle on your salad.
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